Students have knowledge of injustice in the world, have informed opinions about it, and know that their voices and actions have value. They can advocate for themselves and others.
My students have many individual and collective assets that can be used to advocate for justice, equity, and cultural identity. Assets such as educational experience, cultural experience, communication, social networks, and social media platforms are a regular part of my students' lives. As a teacher, I provide resources and facilitation, so that students can engage in conversations about advocacy and follow through by utilizing their assets in action.
One way I provided resources and facilitation was by engaging my students in critical conversations about the economics of social media. Through our conversations, students developed awareness for the impact of social media and technology. They used their statistical skills, research articles, classmates' opinions, and personal experiences with social media to identify its negative effects. Students then came up with resolutions on how social media and technology can be used for good causes.
My students also engaged in an activity about educational equity. Students were inspired by how non-profit organizations such as FOREFRONT are advocating for international educational equity. Students then promoted educational equity by writing letters of encouragement, creating word art for first time students, and by creating a social media campaign. Finally, students wrote letters to the Obama Foundation to provide ideas on how the Foundation could collaborate with my students on supporting international educational equity. My students know that their voices and actions are powerful and can change our world for the better.
Please click on an image below to view how various advocacy methods and strategies are practiced in my classroom.
My students have many individual and collective assets that can be used to advocate for justice, equity, and cultural identity. Assets such as educational experience, cultural experience, communication, social networks, and social media platforms are a regular part of my students' lives. As a teacher, I provide resources and facilitation, so that students can engage in conversations about advocacy and follow through by utilizing their assets in action.
One way I provided resources and facilitation was by engaging my students in critical conversations about the economics of social media. Through our conversations, students developed awareness for the impact of social media and technology. They used their statistical skills, research articles, classmates' opinions, and personal experiences with social media to identify its negative effects. Students then came up with resolutions on how social media and technology can be used for good causes.
My students also engaged in an activity about educational equity. Students were inspired by how non-profit organizations such as FOREFRONT are advocating for international educational equity. Students then promoted educational equity by writing letters of encouragement, creating word art for first time students, and by creating a social media campaign. Finally, students wrote letters to the Obama Foundation to provide ideas on how the Foundation could collaborate with my students on supporting international educational equity. My students know that their voices and actions are powerful and can change our world for the better.
Please click on an image below to view how various advocacy methods and strategies are practiced in my classroom.
My students bring with them a wealth of knowledge, experience, opinions, and ideas into the classroom. They all have causes they are passionate about, and it is my responsibility to equip them with the resources and encouragement to be advocates for themselves and for others. From these lessons on advocacy, students experience conversation and action that develop them into better change makers. They see their impact through our gallery walk on the economics of social media, through letter writing, through inspirational word art, and through an educational equity social media campaign. My students are able to impact our society in a positive way and advocate for causes they find important.
My students bring with them a wealth of knowledge, experience, opinions, and ideas into the classroom. They all have causes they are passionate about, and it is my responsibility to equip them with the resources and encouragement to be advocates for themselves and for others. From these lessons on advocacy, students experience conversation and action that develop them into better change makers. They see their impact through our gallery walk on the economics of social media, through letter writing, through inspirational word art, and through an educational equity social media campaign. My students are able to impact our society in a positive way and advocate for causes they find important.